My Dream Vacation to Australia
Megan Orser, 250523909
Monday March 18th, 2013
Geo 2144F: Geography of Tourism
Dr. Smith

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 2: Monday December 23rd - Seeing Sydney

Sydney Harbour

Top Sights: Sydney Opera House  & the Harbour Bridge

It only seems appropriate to visit the Opera House while in Sydney.  I do not have this huge need to experience the Opera House, but I do want to be there and take in the architecture and culture of Sydney.  I am excited to see the Harbour Bridge and may even participate in one of the many bridge climb options.  The bridge climb is approximately 3 1/2 hours long with tours around the clock.  Making reservations well in advanced is suggested.  The climb options can cost up to $300, so it completely depends on what our budget ends up looking like.  At the very least we will SEE the sights - just like Annie's boyfriend, Elliot here in the picture!

*Annie's personal photo, used with permission*

While at the harbour, I would like to take the ferry to Manly.  Every thirty minutes a ferry departs from Circular Quay.  It is recommended that once in Manly, you walk the Corso from the harbour beach to the ocean beach.  This is specifically recommended for sun seekers (right up my alley, I LOVE being warm in the sun on a beach).  Manly is the only place in Sydney where you can catch a harbour ferry to swim in the ocean!  First of all, "I have a thing for ferry boats" (a common quote from one of my favourite TV shows, Grey's Anatomy).  I really love the idea of seeing Sydney from the water and ending up on a beach where I can possibly nap in the sand (I will still be experiencing jet-lag I'm sure).  Manly will also offer Wes his first opportunity to give surfing a try at the Manly Surf School.  I have a huge urge to be active as well and I can see myself wanting to give surfing a try at some point in time.  The Surf School is open from 9:00am-6:00pm and offer two hour group lessons that include the use of a board and wetsuit for $60.  After spending the remaining of the day at Manly, we would take the ferry back to the harbour before returning to Annie's place for the night.  

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